Lawbooks and Scales of Justice


PCFB Enforcement

The PCFB has jurisdiction over the civil enforcement of the Public Campaign Finance Program, and is authorized to bring civil enforcement actions against participating candidates, their treasurers and their PCFB committees for violations of all campaign finance rules and regulations related to the Program, pursuant to 14-207(8) of the NYS Election Law.

Civil enforcement action against participating candidates, treasurers, and committees may be started upon receipt of a complaint, based upon an audit, or upon the PCFB’s own initiative. Additionally, the PCFB may make criminal referrals when deemed necessary.

Making a Complaint

Anyone can make a complaint to the PCFB against participating candidates, their treasurers or their PCFB committees alleging a violation of Article 14 of the Election Law or related rules and regulations using the interactive form below.

IMPORTANT: Before submitting a complaint to the PCFB, you should ensure that your complaint has a valid basis and is related to the PCFB Program. The PCFB only has jurisdiction over participating candidates and their PCFB committees and treasurers.


 Include the following information in your complaint:

  • The complainant’s full name, current residential address, telephone number, and email address.
  • Date and time of the alleged violation(s).
  • The place(s) the conduct occurred. 
  • The names of any witnesses.
  • A concise narrative or description of the alleged violation(s).
  • All documentary evidence in the complainant’s possession.

  • If your complaint does not contain this information, it may not be accepted.


    If you have questions and would like to speak with a PCFB Enforcement Counsel, please contact us at 518-473-2797.

    Submit a Complaint


If your complaint concerns non-participating candidates, consider submitting your complaint to these agencies:


Non-PCFB participating candidates for State or Local Office: the New York State Board of Elections, Division of Election Law Enforcement (


Candidates for New York City Office (Mayor, City Council, Public Advocate, Comptroller, and Borough President): the New York City Campaign Finance Board (


Candidates for Federal Office (Congress, President): The Federal Election Commission (

Navigating the PCFB Enforcement Process

The PCFB enforcement process contains a number of stages:

  • Notice of Complaint
  • Notice of Alleged Violation 
  • Notice of Enforcement
  • Notice of Hearing and Report of the PCFB
  • Notice of Final Determination

If you have received one of these Notices from the PCFB, you are encouraged to reach out to PCFB enforcement staff  with any questions concerning the process or to try to negotiate a disposition if applicable All Notices will contain instructions regarding the Notice.

At the conclusion of each enforcement action, PCFB will issue a Notice of Final Determination. 

PCFB Final Determinations

Final Determinations are made and published by the bipartisan PCFB Enforcement Counsel.


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